With ‘Up To Me’ replacing ‘Buckets Of Rain’, it would have been over 55 minutes, an unheard-of length for a ‘rock’ album in the vinyl era, until Desire.)” ~Clinton Heylin (Still on the Road: The Songs of Bob Dylan Vol. (The released album is already over 52 minutes long. In the end, a desire for a more redemptive conclusion – and/ or the dawning realization that he was making an awfully long album – did for it. Sadly enough, this brilliant song was dropped from the album & replaced with “Buckets of Rain”. “In its own way ‘ Up To Me’ is as masterful an achievement as ‘Tangled Up In Blue’, using much the same technique to create a well-crafted juxtaposition of ‘what I know to be the truth’ and what I’m projecting’. Up to Me – Cardiff Rose (1976 album) version by Roger McGuinn:
On Novemall takes were released on “ The Bootleg Series Vol. Take 7 from September 19 was first release on BIOGRAPH, October 28, 1985. Like he did in his Byrds days, McGuinn electrified the song and turned it into a folk-rock gem. Dylan’s original is very reminicent of “Shelter From the Storm,” keeping roughly the same melody (but not quite). Written by Bob Dylan and recorded by Dylan during the Blood on the Tracks sessions of 1974. McGuinn does it extreme justice, with a rocked-up, energetic arrangement that is quite different (but equally as effective) as Dylan’s original, which has been often bootlegged.”

The powerful sense of dignity and responsibility here is, as always, engaging, and stands up to repeated listening as much as any Dylan material from this period. A multi-layered and first-person confessional ballad, it’s a love song that is akin to a painting or a film, complete with flashbacks, allegories, and foreshadowing. Easily on a par with all of the excellent songs on that album, McGuinn did here what he does best with outside material: he synthesized it to make it sound like his own. “Roger McGuinn’s inspired participation with Bob Dylan’s epic 1975 Rolling Thunder Revue tour led the bard to offer McGuinn this exquisite outtake from Blood on the Tracks for his inclusion on Cardiff Rose, perhaps his finest solo album. Stylistically, the album varies from traditional sounding folk and sea chanty music (such as the aforementioned “Jolly Roger”) to hard, gritty rock tunes strongly influenced by the burgeoning punk rock movement (such as “Rock and Roll Time” that sound very much like a Clash song!). The album includes a pirate tale “Jolly Roger”, a song about King Arthur’s “Round Table”, and a classic version of Joni Mitchell’s “Dreamland”. The album, produced by Mick Ronson, was recorded on the heels of Bob Dylan’s Rolling Thunder Revue 1975 tour, in which both McGuinn and Ronson had participated (the personnel on the album also include Rob Stoner, Howie Wyeth, and David Mansfield from the Rolling Thunder tours). Up To Me was released on the album Cardiff Rose, a solo studio album by ex-The Byrds frontman Roger McGuinn, released in 1976. Roger McGuinn – Up To Me – The Best Dylan Covers